Christian souls need to be nourished and motivated by the Word of God from cradle to grave.

Bible study is the Lord's way of speaking to us, strengthening our faith and helping us through difficult times. Bible study unlocks the secrets of God and motivates us to worship and serve him. 

Bible study at Grace is fun and informative. It's edifying and encouraging. One thing it's not: scary. No one will call on you to read or answer a question unless you raise your hand. Your level of participation is up to you. You can read, answer questions, and offer comments. Or you can simply sit, listen, and soak it all in. You don't need to be a Bible expert. No previous Bible study experience is necessary.  Please give us the opportunity to show you how wonderful studying God's Word with fellow Christians can be!

Grace Tucson

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class  

Join us at Grace-Tucson on Sunday mornings for our study of The Ten Lies About God! If you haven’t given Sunday morning Bible Study a try or are out of the habit of attending, now is a great time to jump in!

Children's Sunday School

Sunday School is available to all children from age 3 through sixth grade. Older students are invited to Confirmation Class. At Grace-Tucson, our Sunday School begins at 8:45 in the Education Building.

Lifeliners (High School Age)

Lifeliners meets on Sunday mornings at 9 AM in the west side of the basement for Bible class. 

Grow in Grace Class

This is a great opportunity for members to learn or review the basic teachings of the Bible and it is also intended for adults who may be interested in becoming members of Grace. We will work with you to schedule a time for class. Please call 520-623-6633 or fill out our class request form if you would like to attend, and invite a friend! 

Wednesday Bible Class

Pastor Kassulke's Church History Bible Study continues every Wednesday. This class explores the origin of modern denominations, and we are focusing next on the English Reformation. Now is a great time to jump in! 10 AM or 7 PM

Women's Bible Study

Women of all ages are invited to come to a new Bible study called Prepared to Answer. Join Pastor Koehler as he will be leading the discussion and study.

Grace Sahuarita

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class

Join Pastor Heiman on Sundays from 9:00-9:45 AM for a study on The Ten Lies About God.

Children's Sunday School

Sunday School is available to all children from age 3 through sixth grade. Older students are invited to Confirmation Class.  Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM.  Confirmation Class begins at 11:30 AM.

Grow in Grace Class

This is a great opportunity for members to learn or review the basic teachings of the Bible and it is also intended for adults who may be interested in becoming members of Grace. We have many available classes throughout the week. Please call 520-999-0245 if you would like to attend, and invite a friend!  Classes are flexible based on your needs .

Grace Vail

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class

Join us on Sunday mornings 9 AM for a Bible study on Male and Female He Created Them! If you haven’t given Sunday morning Bible Study a try or are out of the habit of attending, now is a great time to jump in!

Children's Sunday School

Sunday School is available to all children from age 3 through sixth grade. Older students are invited to Confirmation Class.  Sunday School and Confirmation Class begins at 9:00 AM. 

Thursday Bible Class

Pastor Scheuerlein’s Thursday study is on the Augsburg Confession. This class explores an important Lutheran document and its teachings. The class is at the Civano office at 6 PM

Grow in Grace Class

This is a great opportunity for members to learn or review the basic teachings of the Bible and it is also intended for adults who may be interested in becoming members of Grace. We will work with you to schedule a time for class. Please call 520-623-6633 or fill out our class request form if you would like to attend, and invite a friend! 

Grace Benson

Wednesdau Morning Adult Bible Class

Join us on Wednesday mornings 10 AM for a Bible study on The Large Catechism!